
Neelima Perni

Neelima Perni

Hi and welcome to my blog;

I had always taken up creative pursuits, like fabric painting, knitting, embroidery work, scrapbooking etc from an early age onwards, whenever I could spare time away from studies. I am an Engineering graduate and had started my career as a software developer but along the way I discovered a passion for painting in watercolors, especially subjects from nature which I love dearly. Since then, I have devoted all the time that I can spare from taking care of my house and family to learning about art in general and perfecting my own techniques in watercolor. I started this blog about ten years ago so that I can keep a record of my work, inspirations and thoughts on my two loves, Nature and Painting. I post demos, WIP’s (work in progress), sketches, studies and my thinking process behind my works , also about art theory and color theory in general. I hope this blog inspires and helps you to paint in the same way.

I have come a long way since then and both my blog and work have received much love and appreciation and I have decided to sell my works through my Etsy store. I hope that you will find something here that will fill you and your space and your days with joy and inspiration.


You can read more about me in this article:

My Early Works and something about Me

